Text in layout tabs too small

We have had a message from a gCADPlus user working in the Windows environment who found that after purchasing a new computer with a high-resolution 4k monitor when using gCADPlus, the text on the layout tabs was too small and could not be read easily.

Changing the screen resolution from the 4k maximum to 2560×1440 resolved the problem and our user reported that it’s nice to see all of the tabs clearly.

A second gCADPlus user reports has just purchased a new Microsoft Surface computer. He has a similar issue. The text in the status line is cramped and difficult to read although he was still able to work with switches in the status line using the function key and right mouse button shortcuts. The Surface computer has a default resolution of 2736 by 1824 pixels, not quite 4k. The problem was resolved by selecting the gCADPlus icon, right-clicking, selecting Properties, then Compatibility, and changing some high DPI settings as shown in the dialog box below.

High Resolution Screen