Streetscape symbols

Rather than add more and more symbols (blocks) to the gCADPlus setup file and make it unwieldy, we have developed a series of palettes that allow extra symbols to be added to gCADPlus. Each link under the image of the palette allows users to download a single gCADPlus file. Once downloaded, use the BLOCKS command (or File > Insert and then use the browse option to locate the new file and insert it while working on your current design.

Tip: When using a palette of symbols, it is a good idea to explode the incoming drawing so you can immediately see and use the new symbols. Drag into position and scale if required.

A palette of elevation symbols suitable for streetscape planning.

Street scape symbols

This small movie shows how to download a palette to add extra symbols to gCADPlus and use it to help develop a design.

Click here to download the palette.