Paving, Pattern and Perception

The texture and pattern of materials can create a mood and certainly ‘talk’ to people using spaces in the landscape. Here is a design that’s made for relaxation where the texture of the wall, paving and planting convey a message.

The type of paving affects the way people use a space. For example, if it is important that people move quickly along a path (say along the enclosed narrow side), you might use brick paving laid in a running bond pattern. Here the running bond pattern conveys the expectation is that the wide path is to used for rapid progress, but pedestrians can stop and seat indicated by the changed paving pattern.

Here a change of paving guides pedestrian movement.

Complex Paving Patterns

Here the pattern also helps define the route for walkers. Note the type of paving changes at the step – a good safety feature. Basket weave patterns slow pedestrian movement.

Contrast the above with that below where the few paving stones send a completely different message – slow down and enjoy the herbaceous border while en route to a secret garden.

Path angles

Take care when designing the links between paths.

If moving alongside a house in a narrow space, use paving stones angled at 45 degrees – this invites visitors to take in the garden.